Is It Legal to Live In an RV With a Child? is reader supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

RVs are a popular option for people who don’t want to bother looking at apartments or houses. It’s like having your own hotel room on wheels, except maybe not quite lavish.

They can be a lot cheaper than regular living situations (such as renting an apartment) but don’t come with all regular amenities. Is this an ideal environment to raise a kid? Is it legal to live in an RV with a child?

When you have children, it can be difficult to feel as though you are in a position to live a nomadic lifestyle. But there are ways for parents to maintain their sense of adventure while raising kids. Living in a camper with kids has some legal bindings. Let’s find out what they are.

Is It Legal to Live in an RV With a Child?

It is generally legal to do temporary or full time RVing with kids. In most states, the RV laws don’t mention children at all. As long as your trailer is not on someone else’s private land, you can be there without breaking the law.

You can live in a camper with your kids by meeting certain qualifications. In fact, a parent or guardian must supervise children under the age of 18. When they are over 18, you will be exempted from some legal responsibilities as a parent but they can still live with you.

Is it legal to live in an RV with a child in Florida? Yes. Like all other states, it’s also legal in Florida. To be on the safe side, you should check local ordinances. But there should not be a problem with living in an RV with kids as long as you obey all local laws.

RV Living with Kids: What Are the Legal Bindings?

Is it legal to live in an RV with a child? Yes, it is. But many parents fear that Child Protective Services (CPS) may take their kids for living in a camper. Well, it will not happen if you can ensure some basic needs for the kids.

Proper Education

You’ll need to ensure proper schooling for your kid by doing research about laws on homeschooling and researching what curriculum options are near where you plan on residing temporarily or permanently. Some states allow homeschooling but you have to submit the testing, grades, and reports to the state’s Department of Education at the end of the school year.

Enrolling them in a public school will be the most convenient option. In that case, you’ll need to get a letter from the principal stating that they’re living within the district. Some schools have strict attendance requirements, so find a school that allows online attendance.


The Affordable Care Act offers health care options for any dependent child until the age of 26. You can opt for any private insurance company with your state if you want more options available. Get a letter from your insurance company saying that they cover your children’s medical expenses and have them on their policy. This way, you don’t need to worry about not being able to treat an illness or injury while traveling.

Make sure you have all of the documents that your insurance company requires for this, so it doesn’t delay anything. You also want to make sure they cover any medical emergencies and are willing to pay out-of-network providers in emergency cases.

Medical Treatment

Annual visits to the pediatrician are a must for underage children. It’s better to check in with the same pediatrician every time. It will be easier for the doctor to treat as s/he will be familiar with your child’s medical history. Plan your visit according to the time for the scheduled visit to the doctor’s chamber.

Other Basic Needs

Keep a stocked first-aid kit with bandages, sunblock, and insect repellent. Bring along car seats for children under 12 months old who cannot sit up on their own. Consult an expert before using them if it’s unclear how long a child will need one.

Don’t forget to bring basic needs like food, water, diapers (if needed), clothes, toilet paper, and other necessities, such as toys and books. The safety of the kids is of prime importance when living in an RV.

Is it legal to live in an RV with a child
You will need to ensure the basic needs and safety of the kids. Photo: JaySi / Shutterstock

Educate Your Kids about RV Life

Staying on the roads with kids is always challenging. It’s better to educate them about the new living situation, so they can adjust to the new environments. They might have heard how RV life is great, but they need to know that it can be tough sometimes. Teach them about the roles and tasks in the day-to-day framework of that nomadic life.

Can CPS Take Your Kids for Living In an RV?

Is it legal to live in an RV with a child? From the above discussion, you know that it is. If you fulfill these basic needs, the CPS cannot take your child away. If you are sharing custody with an ex-partner, fulfill all custody agreement conditions to avoid the interference of CPS.

CPS cannot show up unannounced or without a court order and walk into someone’s property just because they are living with their children in a trailer. Such a living arrangement does not automatically make somebody neglectful and unfit parents. It’s all about ensuring a safe and well-cared for environment for the children.

If a child has been found to have been exposed to abuse or neglect in an RV, CPS can take immediate action by removing them from this environment and continuing their investigation into what happened, including who was present at the time and what led up to it. Some sort of evidence has to be there indicating endangerment before they can walk off with your kids.


Living in an RV with children comes with its own unique challenges. However, it is entirely possible to live a happy life on the road and still be able to provide for your family. Just make sure that you can provide them with all the necessary basic needs.

About Chris Coleman

Chris Coleman is an interesting travel blogger and outdoor photographer with a great sense of humor. He owns an RV Accessories shop in New York City so he has the knowledge necessary to provide thorough reviews and give advice on how to choose the right products for RV travel. He puts all that RV knowledge and experience to good use in his sharing posts. Besides product buying guides/reviews, Chris also writes informative articles, how-to articles and RV camping guides in his own interesting viewpoint. Chris’s blog is one of the most reliable information sources for RV campers no matter if you're an expert or a determined beginner.

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